The Afterlife Confessional By Bill Edgar

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$24.00 $28.99

Heartbreaking and hilarious, outrageous and wise, The Afterlife Confessionalis Bill Edgar's fascinating account of the things he's witnessed and learnedas the Coffin Confessor – the bizarre and beautiful ways we live and love,the finality of death and the power of legacy, and how letting go can sometimesbe the first step to living on.

A private investigator with a haunting past, Bill Edgar's life was neverdestined to be ordinary. Rising to international fame as the ‘CoffinConfessor’ – the man who crashes funerals on behalf of the deceased, givingvoice to their last wishes – Bill dismantled many of the assumptions we holdabout truth, dignity and the business of dying.

Swindlers, cheaters, vultures, liars and con-artists – there isn't a mustycorner of the human soul Bill hasn't confronted. Loved and loathed in equalmeasure, his only concern is being the caretaker of the secrets and desires hisclients have entrusted to him. Shame and outrage, healing and comfort are leftup to those left behind.

But it's a request from one woman to hand-deliver a bottle of wine to herhusband on the anniversary of her death that raises deeper questions- What do wemake out of the handful of days we're given? If hate and injustice are so hardto bury, why does love have a knack for triumphing? Are the most profound actsin life sometimes the most quiet ones?

The Afterlife Confessional follows Bill's journey for answers as he looksthrough the dizzying kaleidoscope of his clients' lives – the widower whoescaped an aged-care trap to take her husband's ashes on the road trip of alifetime; the man who spent his life paying it forward to try to make up for oneshameful act; the closet dominatrix who quietly confronts herhusband's infi­delity by comforting those truly in need; the devoted couplewho insist on going hand-in-hand into the afterlife.

Heartbreaking and hilarious, outrageous and wise, The Afterlife Confessionalis Bill Edgar's fascinating account of the things he's witnessed and learnedas the Coffin Confessor – the bizarre and beautiful ways we live and love,the finality of death and the power of legacy, and how letting go can sometimesbe the first step to living on.

Heartbreaking and hilarious, outrageous and wise, The Afterlife Confessionalis Bill Edgar's fascinating account of the things he's witnessed and learnedas the Coffin Confessor – the bizarre and beautiful ways we live and love,the finality of death and the power of legacy, and how letting go can sometimesbe the first step to living on.

A private investigator with a haunting past, Bill Edgar's life was neverdestined to be ordinary. Rising to international fame as the ‘CoffinConfessor’ – the man who crashes funerals on behalf of the deceased, givingvoice to their last wishes – Bill dismantled many of the assumptions we holdabout truth, dignity and the business of dying.

Swindlers, cheaters, vultures, liars and con-artists – there isn't a mustycorner of the human soul Bill hasn't confronted. Loved and loathed in equalmeasure, his only concern is being the caretaker of the secrets and desires hisclients have entrusted to him. Shame and outrage, healing and comfort are leftup to those left behind.

But it's a request from one woman to hand-deliver a bottle of wine to herhusband on the anniversary of her death that raises deeper questions- What do wemake out of the handful of days we're given? If hate and injustice are so hardto bury, why does love have a knack for triumphing? Are the most profound actsin life sometimes the most quiet ones?

The Afterlife Confessional follows Bill's journey for answers as he looksthrough the dizzying kaleidoscope of his clients' lives – the widower whoescaped an aged-care trap to take her husband's ashes on the road trip of alifetime; the man who spent his life paying it forward to try to make up for oneshameful act; the closet dominatrix who quietly confronts herhusband's infi­delity by comforting those truly in need; the devoted couplewho insist on going hand-in-hand into the afterlife.

Heartbreaking and hilarious, outrageous and wise, The Afterlife Confessionalis Bill Edgar's fascinating account of the things he's witnessed and learnedas the Coffin Confessor – the bizarre and beautiful ways we live and love,the finality of death and the power of legacy, and how letting go can sometimesbe the first step to living on.

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