Let It Flow Picture Book

Healthy Ways to Release Emotions!

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We all experience emotions. Big ones, small ones, joyous one anduncomfortable ones. Each emotion is simply energy that travels through us. Whenthey do, they are trying to give us a message to help us. Never feel bad aboutexperiencing an emotion. All emotions are healthy and normal. It is what you dowith the emotions that is important. You can learn more about yourself and whatyou need through the messages that emotions provide us.

When an emotion comes to visit us, sometimes it can feel overwhelming.Certain emotions can make us react in ways that we might regret. We might saysomething we don’t mean. We might lash out at someone when we don’t actuallywant to hurt them. Sometimes they bubble up and can feel like they are about toburst out of us. It can be hard to know what to do when we are feeling intenseemotions inside. This is why it is a great idea to learn ways to releaseemotions safely from our bodies, so we don’t end up hurting ourselves orothers.

Emotions are energy that flows into our bodies and should flow back outagain. This book is all about ways to allow emotional energy to flow out inhealthy and safe ways that you can try. See which ones you like best and workfor you.

  • Dimensions: 210 mm X 265 mm x 10 mm
  • Pages: 64
  • Bind: Paperback
  • Recommended Ages: 5+

We all experience emotions. Big ones, small ones, joyous one anduncomfortable ones. Each emotion is simply energy that travels through us. Whenthey do, they are trying to give us a message to help us. Never feel bad aboutexperiencing an emotion. All emotions are healthy and normal. It is what you dowith the emotions that is important. You can learn more about yourself and whatyou need through the messages that emotions provide us.

When an emotion comes to visit us, sometimes it can feel overwhelming.Certain emotions can make us react in ways that we might regret. We might saysomething we don’t mean. We might lash out at someone when we don’t actuallywant to hurt them. Sometimes they bubble up and can feel like they are about toburst out of us. It can be hard to know what to do when we are feeling intenseemotions inside. This is why it is a great idea to learn ways to releaseemotions safely from our bodies, so we don’t end up hurting ourselves orothers.

Emotions are energy that flows into our bodies and should flow back outagain. This book is all about ways to allow emotional energy to flow out inhealthy and safe ways that you can try. See which ones you like best and workfor you.

  • Dimensions: 210 mm X 265 mm x 10 mm
  • Pages: 64
  • Bind: Paperback
  • Recommended Ages: 5+

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Gift Monkey orders ship from our fulfillment partner Mighty Ape. Their warehouse is based in New Zealand with daily flights across the Tasman with Australia Post.

  • NSW, QLD, ACT   3-6 business days
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