Lola In The Mirror By Trent Dalton

The heartbreaking and inspiring new novel from the award-winning author of Australia's favourite bestsellers Boy Swallows Universe, Love Stories and All Our Shimmering Skies

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Bighearted, gritty, magical and moving, Lola in the Mirror is theirresistible new novel from international bestselling author of Boy SwallowsUniverse and All Our Shimmering Skies, Trent Dalton.
‘Mirror, mirror, on the grass, what's my future? What's my past?’

A girl and her mother are on the lam. They've been running for sixteenyears, from police and the monster they left in the kitchen with the knife inhis throat. They've found themselves a home inside an orange 1987 Toyota HiAcevan with four flat tyres parked in a scrapyard by the edge of the BrisbaneRiver – just two of the 100,000 Australians sleeping rough every night.

The girl has no name because names are dangerous when you're on the run. Butthe girl has a dream. Visions in black ink and living colour. A vision of alife as a groundbreaking artist of international acclaim. A life outside thegrip of the Brisbane underworld drug queen ‘Lady’ Flora Box. A life of lovewith the boy in the brown suit who's waiting for her in the middle of thebridge that stretches across a flooding and deadly river. A life far beyond thebullet that has her name on it. And now that the storm clouds are rising,there's only one person who can help make her dreams come true. Thatperson's name is Lola and she carries all the answers. But to find Lola, thegirl with no name must first do one of the hardest things we can sometimes everdo. She must look in the mirror.

A big, moving, blackly funny, violent, heartbreaking and beautiful novel oflove, fate, life and death and all the things we see when we look in the mirror.All of the past, all of the present, and all of our possible futures.

‘Mirror, mirror, please don't lie. Tell me who you are. Tell me whoam I.’

Bighearted, gritty, magical and moving, Lola in the Mirror is theirresistible new novel from international bestselling author of Boy SwallowsUniverse and All Our Shimmering Skies, Trent Dalton.
‘Mirror, mirror, on the grass, what's my future? What's my past?’

A girl and her mother are on the lam. They've been running for sixteenyears, from police and the monster they left in the kitchen with the knife inhis throat. They've found themselves a home inside an orange 1987 Toyota HiAcevan with four flat tyres parked in a scrapyard by the edge of the BrisbaneRiver – just two of the 100,000 Australians sleeping rough every night.

The girl has no name because names are dangerous when you're on the run. Butthe girl has a dream. Visions in black ink and living colour. A vision of alife as a groundbreaking artist of international acclaim. A life outside thegrip of the Brisbane underworld drug queen ‘Lady’ Flora Box. A life of lovewith the boy in the brown suit who's waiting for her in the middle of thebridge that stretches across a flooding and deadly river. A life far beyond thebullet that has her name on it. And now that the storm clouds are rising,there's only one person who can help make her dreams come true. Thatperson's name is Lola and she carries all the answers. But to find Lola, thegirl with no name must first do one of the hardest things we can sometimes everdo. She must look in the mirror.

A big, moving, blackly funny, violent, heartbreaking and beautiful novel oflove, fate, life and death and all the things we see when we look in the mirror.All of the past, all of the present, and all of our possible futures.

‘Mirror, mirror, please don't lie. Tell me who you are. Tell me whoam I.’

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Gift Monkey orders ship from our fulfillment partner Mighty Ape. Their warehouse is based in New Zealand with daily flights across the Tasman with Australia Post.

  • NSW, QLD, ACT   3-6 business days
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